Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Preparation Pt.2 "The List"

I have learned that taking time to create a "List of necessities" for a trip, when I am not planning one is a great asset to planning. The lists that I have are unique to the kind of trip I am taking. They have been helpful in eliminating "oh I forgot the toilet paper" realizations after you've just hiked 25 miles into the wilderness, or the "whoops! only one pair of underwear for the week" realizations....and if you Haven't had one of those realizations will! Unless you utilize the list.
Make these lists when you have time to sit down and consider everything that you will need for the journey. Not in the few days preceding your departure, where you will feel rushed to finish the list and start packing. You can make a basic list of items before you even have a specific trip planned. The specifics should be a part of a separate list unique for the destination.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Preparation Pt. 1

I don't know about you, but before I set out on any kind of a journey that will take me far from home, I tend to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, like a little nagging voice inside me cautioning me about the journey. I have learned that this is an issue of security and that I can help alleviate that feeling (which may or may not be a valid feeling) through preparedness.
How do you prepare for a journey? Well, that depends on the kind of journey you are going to take, where you will be going and what you will be doing, but there are some things that will always be important for every type of journey.
The first thing that you should always consider is safety! When you are planning an exciting trip, it's very easy to get caught up (and therefore caught off-guard) by the anticipation of the "exciting trip" , and you can easily forget important items for safety. Items for safety are often forgotten, and sometimes with tragic consequences. You won't fully realize how valuable they are until you need them. So here is a short list of items that you should always take with you for every kind of journey away from home.

1. First Aide Kit. there are a huge variety of kits on the market that you can use for all kinds of activities from simple Day Hiking kits, to kits that are suitable for long Expeditions. Your First Aide kit should always include the basics(band aids, aspirin, needle and thread, antiseptics etc.)

2. Emergency Blanket. You never know when you will have to make an unexpected overnight stay outdoors.

3. Fire Starting Utensil. Flint, lighter, waterproof matches.....many options here.

4. Extra water and Food. It doesn't have to be much but it does need to be more than the journey requires.

5. Weapon. to protect yourself from man and beast...nuf said!

6. Knowledge. Learn as much as you can about where you are going, and what you will be doing. Take a CPR class, learn how to navigate with map and compass(GPS can fail you)

At the minimum level, all of these items will fit into a small pack, and at the maximum you can fit them into a vehicle. So no matter what you are doing, you have no excuse not to pack for safety.